Our Story

Since 2014 we have been a mom and daughter team working together to stay as healthy as possible on a CKD journey. Char was diagnosed with low kidney function in 2008, and was able to keep her function above 15% until 2020. Heather is her daughter, who runs this site and develops delicious food to fit Char’s dietary needs.

The whole idea of DialyDish started when multiple dieticians told Char that she eats more variety and with more flavor than most of their patients. We decided it was time to share what we have been doing with others so that they can see a life with Kidney Disease isn’t a life without flavor. The goal of Dialydish is not to be your dietician, we aren’t certified for that. We want to show you what we are doing, how we are eating, and the real results Char is getting from a diet filled with flavor while on in-home hemodialysis. We hope you can learn from our mistakes and triumphs, and develop your own menu that will keep you satiated and on track!

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